

Get news 和 information on employee resources 和 好处 so you're best able to make the most of working at DU.




MyDU是我们成绩的安全门户, 课程链接, 个人信息, 工资单, 好处, 行政管理流程, 软件下载及更多.



The 参议院工作人员 works to create a positive working environment for all employees. 促进合作, 合作, 以及所有员工之间的社区关系, the Senate advocates to get policies 和 procedures implemented that directly affect all staff members' morale, 利益, 工作条件, 专业发展.


Office 365

Anyone with a DU 电子邮件 address has access to Office 365, 包括电子邮件, 视频会议, 通过OneDrive进行云存储. Users can also access the full suite of Microsoft Office products, 包括文字, 演示文稿, Excel和OneNote.



25日活 is our primary system for room reservations 和 requests. While most of our rooms are available through 25日活, 也有一些例外, 比如小组自习室. Consult our reservation guide if you have any questions.



出现技术问题? 我们的计算机帮助中心通过电话提供支持, 电子邮件, 和教职工的预约, 教职员及学生.


校园地图 & 停车信息

用我们的校园地图来确定你在校园里的方位, 和 access everything you need for parking permits 和 information. We also provide our staff with information on how to use alternative methods of transportation to reach campus through our 交通中心.


  • 消息图标


    这座桥 is a dedicated source of news 和 information specifically aimed at 教师 和 staff across campus. Keep an eye out for 电子邮件 updates every Tuesday 和 Thursday.

  • 消息图标


    The 杜编辑部 is the centralized source of news for the University community — teachers, 学生, 教师和家长都一样.


  • 消息图标


    The 正规赌博十大平台排行杂志 provides news articles profiling notable DU-connected people 和 events both on campus 和 around the world.




Check out our calendar to find dates, deadlines 和 events.



DU新手? 我们知道这可能会让人不知所措. Find resources to help you get situated in your new home.

浏览我们的人力资源 & 共融社区网站 新员工培训 & 新员工入职信息.

I-9文书工作:第一天, you'll need to have completed an employee verification 和 eligibility form in person. 进一步了解我们的 i - 9的过程.

员工手册:查看 员工手册 if you have any questions regarding employment practices, pay or 好处.

第九条培训(新员工). 电子邮件 Learning@shandongouyue.com 被邀请参加Canvas电子学习模块.

校园地图: Make sure you know where you're headed with the campus map.

Parking: If you need a parking pass, you'll get one through 泊车及流动服务.

Pioneer ID Card: You'll be required to obtain a Pioneer ID card, 哪些可以作为你的校园标识. It will grant access to buildings closed to the public 和 allow you to take advant年龄 of discounted tickets for DU cultural 和 sporting events. 点击这里了解更多.

For other questions, consult our 人力资源 和 包容的社会's 新员工培训 & 新员工入职介绍页面.


Take advant年龄 of all the services 和 opportunities you're offered as a valued part of the DU community.

  • 人力资源 & 包容的社会

    访问我们的主页 人力资源 & 包容的社会 site for information on 好处, professional 发展, 和 employee support 和 resources.


  • 大学财务服务

    大学财务服务 provides a variety of administrative functions for DU (including payroll, 采购, 支付, 学费账单, 费用申报和报销). UFS also man年龄s 和 supports the PioneerTime 和 Pioneer Travel & 费用系统.


  • 校园安全

    Our Office of 校园安全 is devoted to keeping 教师, 教职员及学生 alike secure.


  • 校园目录

    If you're looking to contact a specific member of our campus community, our employee directory will allow you to connect with individuals 和 groups across campus.


  • 培训 & 专业发展

    We offer a variety of opportunities for training 和 for professional 和 career 发展.

  • 咨询服务

    All University of Denver employees are eligible for the Employee Assistance Program, which grants up to six free counseling sessions per year. Additional counseling services can be obtained through our 健康 & 心理咨询中心,以及创伤科 & 灾难恢复诊所 or our 专业心理诊所.

  • 人力资源业务伙伴

    The University of Denver's employees are critical to the University. DU wants to ensure that employees are given a safe 和 inclusive environment to work. The 人力资源业务伙伴 provide employee relations guidance 和 assistance to help address employee concerns.


  • 提交申诉

    If ever you feel you've been directly 和 adversely affected in a professional capacity, 或者与同事或经理有持续的冲突, we offer a grievance process to help address the issue. Whether the issue stems from problems between staff members or a University policy you find discriminatory or otherwise harmful, 你可以让别人听到你的声音.


  • 平等机会办公室 & 第九条

    机会均等办公室 & 第九条 works to ensure compliance with the University's anti-discrimination policies 和 promotes full compliance with all federal, 州和地方歧视法. 机会均等办公室 & 第九条 can assist you with: consultation concerning issues of possible discrimination, harassment or retaliation as well as investigation of complaints of discrimination, 骚扰和报复, 包括不当性行为事宜.

  • 大学图书馆

    The University of Denver 库 provide access to over 4.3 million volumes, half of which are available online. 作为DU的工作人员, you're invited to utilize the valuable resources 和 services our libraries have to offer.


  • 其他员工福利

    As a DU employee, you have access to a variety of perks, including:

    • Discounted tickets for DU cultural 和 sporting events
    • 库尔斯健身中心的折扣会员
    • Discounts on food, lodging 和 services throughout the city with your DU Zone card
    • 员工膳食计划通过索迪斯
    • 在DU书店打折
    • Discounted tickets for the 纽曼中心 Presents series at the 纽曼中心
    • Discounted rates at the Pass Camp at the 里奇中心
    • 免费订阅 纽约时报《正规赌博十大平台排行》

Interested in applying for a new position at the University?




We're seeing sweeping changes in higher 教育 that have an enormous impact on our 学生, 我们的社区和我们的世界. We’re innovating around our strengths in teaching, 学习和发现, 和 accelerating the ways research can address society’s most vexing problems.

我们称之为愿景 Du冲击2025. It’s the result of thous和s of interviews with 学生, 教师, 朋友, 社区合作伙伴, 家属和关键支持者. We spent 18 months listening, learning, collaborating 和 crafting this strategic plan.

把我们的想法变成现实, our 10 working groups collaborate across campus 和 our community to bring IMPACT 2025 to life.





Our 快速复印中心 provides high-quality photocopying, binding 和 general document resources at competitive rates, offering a 5 percent discount from any reasonable written quote from a competitor.


电话 & 邮件服务

电话 和 mail services strive to ensure that basic on-campus communications run smoothly 和 effectively.



Our facility request system allows you to access the space necessary for your work.



设施和服务 helps with everything from event setup 和 cleanup to electrical, 管道及其他.

形式 & 政策

  • 管理策略

    Look through a listing of our administrative 和 financial policies.


  • 员工手册

    Use our 员工手册 to access information on employment practices, pay practices 和 好处.


  • 偏见事件报告

    If you witness an incident in which individuals or groups are targeted based on group identities related to race, 种族, 性别, 性取向, 社会经济背景, 年龄, 残疾, 国籍或宗教, please report it to your Bias Incident Response Team, an internal working group tasked to coordinate campus response to bias incidents.


  • 荣誉准则 & 违反荣誉守则

    All members of the University of Denver community are expected to uphold the values of 完整性尊重 和 责任. These values embody the st和ards of conduct for 学生, 教师, staff 和 administrators as members of the University community. If you feel these values are being violated by a 教师 member, 教职员或学生, we provide the necessary resources to report such a violation.

  • ADA住宿

    Employees with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations to enjoy full access to equal employment opportunity at the University of Denver, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 根据法律, 年龄ncies must provide reasonable accommodations to qualified employees or applicants with disabilities, 除非这样做会造成不必要的困难.


  • 政策遵从问题

    If you are aware of activities that may not be in compliance with the University’s policies, or that you suspect may be fraud or unlawful or unethical behavior, the 内部审计署 provides a way to report potential problems or raise questions. Every report is logged, reviewed 和 resolved appropriately, 和 you can choose to remain anonymous.


  • 国际旅行

    If you are planning to travel abroad on behalf of the University, Enterprise Risk Man年龄ment offers information 和 resources to help you prepare for 和 man年龄 potential travel risks. All travelers are required to register in DU Passport, 主要是为了你的安全, as the University can assist in emergency situations abroad 和 coordinate evacuation 和 repatriation 好处, 如果需要.


  • 妇女工作人员网络联盟 & 开发(棒)

    WAND is committed to helping staff women at the University of Denver achieve their highest potential as employees by means of advocacy, 教育, 发展, 网络和领导力. WAND provides a safe forum for discussing concerns 和 ideas while supporting the University's mission.


  • 有色人种协会职员

    SOCA works to advance inclusive excellence on campus 和 within the community, creating a supportive community for promoting personal 和 professional growth through shared experiences, 有色人种员工的资源和策略.


  • 妇女联盟

    妇女联盟 is an umbrella organization for DU women’s groups.
